You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
226 lines
5.4 KiB
226 lines
5.4 KiB
<div id="container">
<div class="leftSidebar" :style="{ width: state.menuWidth }">
<a-flex justify="center" align="center" style="height: 48px;">
<component :is=iconComponents.TitleOutLined :class="collapsed ? 'small' : 'large'" />
<span v-if="!collapsed">{{ }}</span>
<a-menu v-model:selectedKeys="state.selectedKeys" mode="inline" theme="light"
:inline-collapsed="state.collapsed" :items="items" style="border-inline-end: none;" @click="menuItemclick">
<div class="contentArea">
<a-button @click="toggleCollapsed">
<MenuUnfoldOutlined v-if="state.collapsed" />
<MenuFoldOutlined v-else />
<a-button type="text" @click="jumpdashboard">首页</a-button>
<a-flex align="center" gap="middle">
<span>{{ username }}</span>
<a-button type="primary" @click="showModal" danger>
<LogoutOutlined />
<a-modal v-model:open="open" title="提示" @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel" ok-text="确认"
<RouterView />
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { computed, ref, onMounted, h, reactive, watch } from 'vue';
import iconComponents from "@/assets/index"
import { RouterView, useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router'
import { MenuFoldOutlined, MenuUnfoldOutlined, LogoutOutlined, DashboardOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons-vue';
import { get } from "@/tools/request"
import { message } from 'ant-design-vue';
import { useAuthStore } from '@/stores/index'
const router = useRouter()
const state = reactive({
collapsed: false,
selectedKeys: ['1'],
name: '博客后台系统',
menuWidth: '10%'
const items = reactive([
key: 'dashboard',
icon: () => h(DashboardOutlined),
label: "仪表盘",
title: '仪表盘',
key: 'blogmanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.BlogOutLined),
label: '博客管理',
title: '博客管理',
children: [
key: 'blogmanage',
label: '博客管理',
title: '博客管理',
key: 'blogtype',
label: '博客分类',
title: '博客分类',
key: 'bloglabel',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.TypeOutLined),
label: '博客标签',
title: '博客标签',
key: 'diarymanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.DiaryOutLined),
label: '日记管理',
title: '日记管理',
children: [
key: 'diarymanage',
label: '日记管理',
title: '日记管理',
key: 'diarytype',
label: '日记分类',
title: '日记分类',
key: 'classticmanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.DiaryOutLined),
label: '语录管理',
title: '语录管理',
key: 'commonlinkmanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.DiaryOutLined),
label: '链接管理',
title: '链接管理',
key: 'commentmanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.CommentOutLined),
label: '评论管理',
title: '评论管理',
key: 'imagemanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.PhotoOutLined),
label: '相册管理',
title: '相册管理',
key: 'filemanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.FileOutLined),
label: '文件管理',
title: '文件管理',
key: 'systemmanage',
icon: () => h(iconComponents.SystemOutLined),
label: '系统设置',
title: '系统设置',
const menuItemclick = ({ key }: { key: any }) => {
const collapsed = computed(() => state.collapsed);
const authStore = useAuthStore()
const username = ref("")
const toggleCollapsed = () => {
state.collapsed = !state.collapsed;
state.menuWidth = state.collapsed ? 'auto' : '10%'
const jumpdashboard = function () {
state.selectedKeys = ['1']
onMounted(async () => {
const userinfo = await get(
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
username.value =
const open = ref<boolean>(false);
const showModal = () => {
open.value = true;
const handleOk = (e: MouseEvent) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
open.value = false;
const handleCancel = (e: MouseEvent) => {
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